//Skeleton for socrates unbindall //name "_______" name " " //Movement sensitivity 3.1 cl_mouseaccel 0 bind mouse2 "+forward" bind c "+back" bind SPACE "+moveup" bind n "+movedown" bind v "+moveleft" bind b "+moveright" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind ] "+speed" bind [ "+speed" //talking bind r "messagemode" //toggles Demo recording bind f10 "autorecord" bind f9 "stoprecord" //general bind "uparrow" "playerlist" bind "downarrow" "say gg" bind "leftarrow" "currenttime" bind "rightarrow" "cg_autoaction 7" //Misc bind "f1" "vote yes" bind "f2" "vote no" bind "f3" "ready" bind "f4" "notready" bind "f5" "exec s3" bind "f6" "exec dm6ztn" bind "f7" "exec teambinds" bind "f8" "exec unbindteam" bind "f11" "timein" bind "f12" "screenshot" bind "pause" "pause" bind "escape" "togglemenu" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "tab" "+scores" username "random hero" //Commands that effect connection (ping) cl_maxpackets "100" cl_nodelta "0" cl_packetdup "1" com_maxfps "120" rate "25000" snaps "40" //Commands that effect hardware performance/HUD cg_teamChatHeight "8" cg_teamChatTime "10000" cg_bobroll "0" cg_bobpitch "0" cg_bobup "0" cg_runroll "0" cg_runpitch "0" cg_railTrailTime "201" cg_customloc "0" cg_lagometer "0" cg_crosshairY "0" cg_crosshairX "0" cg_crosshairHealth "0" cg_crosshairSize "24" cg_drawRewards "0" cg_drawAttacker "0" cg_drawAmmoWarning "0" cg_drawFPS "1" cg_drawTimer "1" cg_drawStatus "1" cg_autoswitch "0" cg_drawCrosshair "2" cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" cg_deferPlayers "1" cg_enableosphud "0" cg_forceModel "1" cg_simpleItems "0" cg_noprojectiletrail "1" cg_draw3dIcons "0" cg_drawSnapshot "0" cg_draw2D "1" cg_stereoSeparation "0.4" cg_fov "100" cg_zoomfov "40" cg_drawGun "0" cg_drawfps "1" cg_shadows "0" cg_q3compscoreboard "0" cg_predictItems "1" cg_viewsize "100" cg_brassTime "0" cg_draw3dicons "0" cg_marks "0" cl_yawspeed "140" cl_pitchspeed "140" cl_run "1" cl_mouseAccel "0" cl_motd "0" cl_showmouserate "0" cm_playerCurveClip "1" com_introplayed "1" com_hunkMegs "56" con_notifytime "8" handicap "100" in_midi "0" in_midiport "1" in_midichannel "1" in_mididevice "0" in_mouse "1" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "0.25" m_side "0.25" m_filter "0" model "sarge/blue" net_noudp "0" net_noipx "0" net_socksEnabled "0" net_socksServer "" net_socksPort "1080" net_socksUsername "" net_socksPassword "" r_noportals "0" r_showsky "0" r_flareSize "40" r_lightmap "0" r_primitives "0" r_railSegmentLength "32" r_railCoreWidth "6" r_railWidth "16" r_facePlaneCull "1" r_gamma "1.7" r_swapInterval "0" r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" r_finish "0" r_dlightBacks "1" r_dynamiclight "0" r_drawSun "0" r_fastsky "0" r_ignoreGLErrors "1" r_flares "0" r_lodbias "1" r_lodCurveError "250" r_intensity "1" r_fullbright "0" r_displayRefresh "120" r_ignoreFastPath "1" r_smp "0" r_subdivisions "20" r_vertexLight "1" r_simpleMipMaps "1" r_customaspect "1" r_customheight "1024" r_customwidth "1600" r_fullscreen "1" r_mode "4" r_ignorehwgamma "0" r_overBrightBits "1" r_depthbits "32" r_stencilbits "0" r_stereo "0" r_colorbits "32" r_texturebits "0" r_detailtextures "1" r_roundImagesDown "1" r_picmip "5" r_ext_texture_env_add "1" r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" r_ext_multitexture "1" r_ext_gamma_control "1" r_ext_compressed_textures "1" r_allowExtensions "1" r_glDriver "opengl32" s_volume ".3" s_musicvolume "0" s_separation "0.5" s_khz "22" s_mixahead "0.1" s_mixPreStep "0.05" s_doppler "1.0" scr_conspeed "999" sex "male" server1 "" server2 "" server3 "" server4 "" server5 "" server6 "" server7 "" server8 "" server9 "" server10 "" server11 "" server12 "" server13 "" server14 "" server15 "" server16 "" timedemo "0" timelimit "10" fraglimit "0" vm_cgame "0" vm_game "0" vm_ui "0" vid_xpos "3" vid_ypos "22" cl_allowdownload 0 sv_allowdownload 0 set pb pb_cl_enable 1 //August 21, 2002 .final -socrates